Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Liked & Linked

layne makes pancakes

jackie chan films

house stalking

I was grateful for a rare slow weekend with nothing much on our schedule. Layne made pancakes for breakfast. Steve introduced the kids to Jackie Chan films and, afterwards, when all three were throwing roundhouse kicks and karate-chopping the air like martial arts maniacs, I said to him, “You realize what you’ve done, right?”

We visited with good friends/neighbors from our old ‘hood. We ate, drank and played Cards Against Humanity (Steve had never played!) while the kids ran rampant in the basement. It was a little strange driving past our previous house, but as we talked on the way home we agreed that we don’t miss the house or area (still being developed and spreading like wildfire). We most definitely miss the people though and walking out the front door and into a cul-de-sac buzzing with young families. It doesn’t help that our next-door neighbors in our current neighborhood moved yesterday. Our kids played together so well…and always outside, no matter the weather. We’ll miss them.

Curiosity got the best of me and I started perusing real estate listings. I get these itches from time to time, usually in the winter. I want to save all the houses. Poor Steve ;)

A few links…

*We wish we could pick up this midcentury modern house and move it to our kids’ school district. It has great bones but needs updated…our kind of project.

*I made the mistake of showing this Star Wars bed to the boys.

*Epic winter spool party! (spa + pool = spool)

IKEA kitchen brass

IKEA kitchen brass 2

*An IKEA kitchen with brass details and clever hidden storage.

*An oldie but goodie home tour.

*When was the last time you felt caught up?

*If you’re still thinking about your answer to the question above, give this book a read.

*Cute sneakers for little girls.

Anyone else feeling restless and pining for a new project?

images: 1-3) Dana Miller for House*Tweaking 4 & 5) NW Homeworks

Article Source: Liked & Linked

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