It’s been said that this is the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ and that’s true if the season itself doesn’t become too hectic or overwhelming. As much as I love holiday decorating (like this walk down Christmas memory lane) I felt this year it was more important to exercise restraint and instead of decorating every corner of the house, to spend time with friends and family.
I know myself. If I don’t allow plenty of time to decorate in November then decorating in December becomes a chore. After traveling in November for three weeks to the other side of the globe on my return I wanted more than ever to have a very calm Christmas. So I didn’t string lights outdoors or hang garland up the stairs, and (gasp) I even decided not to host a Christmas party this year. I kept the decor simple. I moved the white tree to the family room to make room for a fresh tree in the living room, turned on the fireplace, and watched a few favorite movies instead.
Layering with winter white makes decorating easy and adds to the calm mood I purposefully created in my home.
After adding the new mirror and sconces earlier this year I didn’t feel the need to add much more to the mantel other than a few white ceramic trees and gold bulbs. I moved the gemstone garland to the white tree and hung the same quilted stockings on the mantel I do year after year. Once I was done I was satisfied, so I tucked all the extra bins and boxes of Christmas decor back into storage and decided that this year’s decorations, although simple, were enough.
Last week the family picked a fir tree for the living room and I asked for it to be flocked at the lot like I’ve done in years past, this time just the tips of the boughs so the fragrance remains and the green shows through. (The festive banners I found on sale at my local Pottery Barn, and I made that fur tree skirt many years ago.)
It’s Christmas Eve Eve and on this night I drive around and deliver cookies and gifts to friends around town. I love the smiles on the faces of the children when I hand them the bag of homemade cookies and the hugs received from friends as we wish each other good cheer.
I have a “Best of 2015” round up post scheduled next week and some favorite links to share on New Year’s Eve, but other than that I am taking the rest of December off from blogging to enjoy this quiet time. I want to thank you all for stopping by. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for reading along in my adventures in home improvement and design. I read all of your comments and love so much being a part of the blog community, and I owe so much to you for visiting and subscribing.
Wishing you all a calm and cozy Christmas.
~ Kate
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